Effective Time Management Tips for College Students

If you feel like hours are lacking in the day, check out these super tips, which will help you organize your time more effectively.

Each week has 168 hours, and each day 24, and these must be organized between studying, family and well-being, preparation, hours of sleep, moments of rest, and assignment time. How to meet our goals if the time is upon us?

There are those who say that of the 168 hours in the week, we spend it solving the urgent, but not the important. Stephen Covey, the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, mentions it. He and other authors indicate that life is going away in:

  • Urgent but not important matters (interruptions, unforeseen events)
  • Little urgent and unimportant matters (distractions, excess of time wasted on nothing productive).

In addition, we spend a lot of time solving important, even if poorly planned, situations (such as last-minute projects and crises).

How to make those 168 hours focused on both our assignments and well-being? How to dedicate adequate time to study, do assignments and do whatever we want to accomplish? How to reserve spaces for our personal development, build relationships, and do profitable activities for our future? The answer is simple: by having a schedule. A schedule helps you because:

  • It Allows you to do more
  • It will prevent you from forgetting tasks
  • It will prevent you from drifting from your goals
  • It allows you to reduce stress (it prevents you from becoming overwhelmed)
  • Makes you more in control of your own life

Therefore, here are 10 tips on how to organize your time.

Build a high-performance team at home

At home, make sure you build a kind of “high-performance team” where everyone is able to perform certain tasks, as much as possible (cooking, peeling vegetables, cleaning…). Here it is not that they "support" someone in particular with household things: if everyone lives there, everyone must collaborate and be responsible.

For example, mothers who study and work can delegate simple chores to their children, such as 'throwing' loads of laundry or folding clothes.

Create a support network.

This network of people you trust can support you for two things: 1) in crisis situations, they will help you solve everyday issues (usually they are very close friends or family members), and 2) in everyday situations, they will help you reduce tension when performing certain activities.

For example, parents who study and work can pay someone to iron their clothes.

Seek Help 

You can't get everything finished all the time when you're all on your own. It’s really hard to manage all that. If you have an assignment to deliver next week, a wedding to attend, or chores to do why don't you get assistance? You can get a professional to help with your assignments. We recommend using Essay For All so you can be free to go attend that happy wedding.

Schedule your activities

Scheduling your activities by items (work, rest, study, and coexistence spaces) leads you to meet your goals. And no, you don't need an agenda for each item: everything fits in a small note easily.

To do this, get an electronic or physical agenda (with space for tasks and extra notes). The electronic ones have the advantage that your devices (smartphone, laptop, and tablet) can be synchronized so that you always have access to your calendar wherever you are.

Tip: if you have a digital planner, don't forget to set reminders.


Organize your activities by items

Some apps allow you to classify tasks according to logic (for example, colors: red is school; blue, work; green, leisure; pink, exercise…).

Establish a nomenclature that differentiates the tasks of each category. If it's a physical planner, they can be "little boxes" just before each task. This way you will visualize the tasks to which you dedicate a lot of time.

Set priorities 

Which tasks are most important? Which ones must you solve today without failing? If you have already detected them, start with the most difficult ones. Which ones can wait, be rescheduled, delegated, or eliminated without compromising objectives?

With that defined, focus on one task at a time, and do it where it belongs: don't try to move forward with a work project while attending a class.

Tip: write an “A” next to important tasks to finish in a matter of days, or you can get Business Logistics Assignment Help to deliver your assignment faster; “B” in tasks to complete this week; “C” for tasks you'd like to finish but aren't urgent, like going through your closet and selecting items for donations.


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